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Jehovah God the Father descended in His Thick Dark Cloud and visited His Two Mega Prophets in Kisumu, Kenya on December 22, 2019. This was a historic event as the last time He appeared on the earth in this manner was when He visited the Children of Israel in the wilderness.


The Prophecy

On April 23, 2017, the Man of God prophesied that Jehovah will appear in a thick dark cloud when He visits him during a future meeting. He said that:


(i)   The cloud will have a funnel-shape appearance like a tornado.

(ii)   It will first appear over the Lake (Lake Victoria) and move quickly to hover over the tent of meeting.

(iii) The people will feel dreadful seeing the appearance of the cloud.

(iv)  It will rain over the tent.

(v)   The people will fall down and worship when the cloud appears.


In the following two years, he reminded the Church repeatedly of the prophecy. He repeated the announcements on September 12, 2018; September 19, 2019; November 30, 2019 and on December 11, 2019.

The Visitation

The prophecy was finally fulfilled during the two-days Kisumu Word Expo, December 21-22, 2019.


Exactly as prophesied, the cloud began to appear over Lake Victoria.

Map of Lake Victoria.png
Cloud over lake.jpg

Very swiftly it moved towards Kisumu and hovered over the tent of meeting. Shortly afterwards it started to rain but only in the vicinity of the tent.

Cloud over tent.png
Rain over the tent.png

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