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It all began.........

On July 29, 2009, the Man of God Prophet David Owuor was first shown the released of the Pale Horse, of the 4th Seal of the Book of Revelation 6:7-8. Since its released, the Pale Horse & its Riders named Death & Hades has been carrying out God's judgment on the earth until now, including striking the earth with coronavirus. 

Then in a vision on December 1, 2015, the Man of God found himself in a hospital in India. There was distress of disease the earth has not seen before. He heard the doctors said there is lack of equipment and no culture or vaccine.

Then on March 24, 2019, speaking in an open-air meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, he prophesied that Jehovah is about to come out and strike the earth with severe judgment. He warned people to repent and enter the safety of the Lord.  

Then on April 15, 2020, he conveyed the message to the world that Jehovah threatened to infect everyone with this pandemic unless they repent. 

How should we response to this pandemic?

If a person is infected, the person should pray for Jehovah's mercy that he or she may recover. Since this pandemic is a judgment of Jehovah and not the work of Satan, therefore, don't pray against it. Do not launch spiritual warfare against it. You may want to mess with the devil but don't mess with Jehovah. Just walk in repentance and holiness. Stay under the blood of Jesus and it should be well with you.

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