Moses & Elijah
Officially Introduced
To The World
The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11
Moses and Elijah are the two olive trees, the two anointed ones who stand on either side of Jehovah’s golden lampstands, beside the Lord of the whole earth. They are the two witnesses who will prophesy during Israel last seven years of God’s dealing with her before the glorious Second Coming of the Messiah (Revelation 11:3-4).
The two witnesses are already here on the earth, taking up residence in Prophet David Owuor. They have commenced their ministries. Their presences were made noticeable through many signs and wonders, and on numerous occasions in the past.
On March 31 to April 1, 2018, during the Mega International Conference of Pastors held in Nakuru, Kenya, Jehovah God officially announced His TWO MIGHTIEST PROPHETS to the Church and the world. The Lord publicly and proudly introduced the two witnesses in a dramatic way. The two witnesses were lowered down from heaven to the earth, physically and literally. Shockingly, both of them were caught live on camera dancing in the sky on a bright sunny day. Then, they proceeded to enter the huge tent where the conference was held.
As soon as they entered the tent, it started to rain, not on the outside but inside the large tent. The rain was in the form of droplets that settled on the people, chairs and floor.
A short while later, a pinkish colour pillar or shaft of light streaked down from the sky and pierced the tent where the two Prophets were ministering. The shaft of light pointed at the Prophets and moved as they moved about on the stage. It remained on them for some time, and the appearance of it was captured live on camera.
Next, the Prophets told the people to look up at the sun. At their command to the people to celebrate and clap, the sun also obeyed and started to clap. How? For several minutes, the sun continuously flickers. The incredible scene where man could tell the sun what to do was captured live on camera.
During the latter part of the day-long conference, the sky above the tent of meeting began to turn dark. The thick dark cloud was not an indication it was going to rain but a sign that Jehovah had set His seal on His two servants. Remember Moses, for in his days leading the children of Israel in the wilderness, the Lord God Jehovah set the pillar of cloud to guide and protect them (Exodus 13:21; 40:38). The signs and wonder seen in years gone by the children of Israel were repeated on that day.
The TWO MIGHTIEST and DREADFUL PROPHETS of Jehovah who inhabit Prophet David Owuor were seen in the past and continuously to be seen numerous times by the faithful. They were seen with the naked eyes, recorded on videos and captured on cameras. They appeared as double on the person of Prophet David Owuor. Sometimes one Prophet’s features were different from the other Prophet. Like the left hand of one Prophet was longer than the left hand of the other Prophet. The colours of the clothing were different. One was taller than the other. One was seen holding the microphone on the right hand while the other Prophet’s right hand did not hold anything. These variances prove without a doubt the presence of the two Prophets.
The doubling of the Prophets were seen not only in Kenya but in many other nations where Prophet David Owuor went to minister. The pillar of the glory of God has been seen pointing on the TWO MIGHTIEST PROPHETS as they ministered on stage in a number of nations. On June 18, 2017, in Helsinki, Finland, the Father God gloriously transfigured Prophet David Owuor while he was ministering on the stage. Some saw him transfigured with their naked eyes while others captured the glorious scene with their videos and cameras. It showed the Prophet was completely envelope in a brilliant white light from the neck down to the feet. This reminds us of the transfiguration of Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-2).