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Who is Prophet David Owuor?

Prophet (Dr.) David Edward Owuor is a Kenyan and also Jewish whom the Lord called in 1996 while he was pursuing his doctorate in Israel. One night a glory cloud appeared to him in his room, and he heard his name called out three times. At the time, he did not respond to the ministry calling to follow and serve God. After his graduation as a scientist, he went to work in the United States. While pursuing his career there, the Lord reminded him about the call but he tried again to run away from the Lord by moving from city to city.


In the third city where he lived and worked, the Lord finally caught up with him on July 3, 2003. He saw a vision of these two verses of the Bible projected on the wall, in this sequence:


Isaiah 43:11

I, even I, am the Lord, and besides Me there is no Saviour.


Isaiah 43:1

But now, thus says the Lord, who created you, O Jacob, and He who formed you, O Israel; “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are Mine.


​The Scripture verses were a revelation of Who God is, and who he (Owuor) is to God. Convinced, he surrendered his career and life to answer the call of God.


Soon, in one of the many visions God gave him, he was shown Moses and Daniel on one side of the Ark of the Covenant, and Elijah and himself (Owuor) on the other side. He heard a voice said, “Now I have My four prophets.” Also he heard, “Power has been given unto you.”


The Lord commissioned him to preach to the Church the message of repentance and holiness because the Church is in dire straits and is not ready for the coming of the Messiah. The Church is experiencing decay: messages are adulterated, the presence of sexual sins, rampant falsehood and general lack of holiness.


​In a vision on April 2, 2004, he saw the throne of God. John the Baptist came and spoke to him and said, “Go and prepare these people for the coming of the Messiah.” In another vision on November 1, 2006, he saw two wedding rings appeared in the sky. The message is the Marriage Supper of the Lamb is ready but is the Bride of Christ ready?

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